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General Pamela Sahota 19 Mar

Housing & Smarties

All levels of government are trying to control a situation akin to that of 22 kids that want a Smartie, and there are only six-and-a-half Smarties to be had.

As authority figures tend to, they are creating all kinds of rules about which kid can have a Smartie, and some kids are being marginalized. As any parent knows, efforts to try and suppress Smartie demand by dealing with the kids themselves is foolish.

And no parent would ever suggest that these Smarties were the last Smarties on the planet Earth.

Seriously, just get another box or two of Smarties (approx 15 smarties per box). Then, each kid can have one, even that kid visiting here from another country. Why not show them some hospitality if we now have more than enough Smarties to go around.

But we clearly do not have enough Smarties on hand, and they seem to be tough to find.

So, why not call up the Smarties manufacturer’s and see how we can help them increase supply?

Let’s build more Smarties!

Instead of consistently singling out one kid or another and saying ‘no Smarties for you’, or ‘you pay extra’, and you over there ‘you need to work harder to earn the right’… in other words restrictions and punishment… let’s start building supply.

Then everyone can have one, two, three, or more.

More importantly when you have enough Smarties, then people will still want to come over to your house, and those people will add value – they’ll do chores in order to pay off those Smarties.

It’s a win-win.

Smarties for all!


Dominion Lending Centres – Accredited Mortgage Professional
Dustan is part of DLC Canadian Mortgage Experts based in Coquitlam, BC.